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Regular Hours of Operation:

 Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 7 pm

Saturday: 10:30 am - 7pm
Sunday: 12:00 pm - 5 pm

(902) 422 - 5976


The parking lot outside of Taz Halifax is not managed by us - it belongs to Saint Mary's Cathedral. If you do not respect the following rules it is very likely your car will be booted by parking enforcement and you will be charged $115 for removal. This is out of our control.

There are several metered parking spots along the side of our building where our customers are able to park. Park only in these designated spots. Do not park in the non-metered parking spots.

Taz Records customers are eligible to receive 30 minutes of parking for free.

When you enter the store you must register your license plate number using the tablet found at the counter to receive your 30 minutes of free parking. If you need more time you must feed the meter.

Again, the parking lot is closely monitored by parking enforcement and is not owned or operated by Taz. You are at great risk of being booted if you fail to follow the guidelines outlined above.